Whether you are shopping for commercial or residential property, it is important to do so armed with as much knowledge as possible. It can be so easy to jump into making an offer impulsively, especially when you are worried about losing what looks like a choice piece of real estate with other potential buyers already circling.
If you are lucky enough to be buying in an area where you have lived all your life and know the history behind most of buildings and land, then you may not have as much studying up to do. Most of us will need to do our homework though, as well as hiring the best real estate agent or broker for your needs. This means finding someone with all the necessary credentials who has years of experience, and a reputation for being honest and thorough. They should also have the knowledge to answer your questions about the property you are interested in as well as other surrounding homes, and the neighborhood in general.
While you are smart to be consumed with questions and concerns regarding property values, the neighborhood, how long any houses you are interested in have been on the market, and what type of offer you should consider making, there are other side issues that should also be considered—and are often overlooked. Environmental issues, unfortunately, are a major issue to be considered in almost any area today whether metropolitan or rural.
In California, there are specific issues to look for in terms of earthquake, landslide, and wildfire activity. Any concerns should be included in disclosures regarding the property, and problems like previous construction defects or current ones should be outlined in home inspections. With that information in hand, continue asking questions and doing your own investigation on any hazards or environmental concerns. If the home has ever been flooded or exposed to excessive moisture, inquire further about whether the home has been treated for mold, or whether it could be present currently. Water quality is a very important quotient in any property you buy where for business or home, so make sure you are apprised of any problems in the area (and while you are at it, check on air quality in the area too).
Other issues to check for:
- Asbestos
- Lead paint
- Radon
- Contamination in the groundwater
- Presence of storage tanks underground
Do you need help with a real estate or environmental issue? Call Shane Coons now at 949-333-0900 or email us at Shane.Coons@seclawoffices.com. We can review your case, answer your questions, and help you decide how to move forward. We are here to help!