National Attention is focused on Flint, Michigan’s water safety problems, raising awareness and concern everywhere regarding the safety of water supplies. In June 2015, the California Legislature approved legislation to deliver safe and affordable drinking water to hundreds of communities in California. This measure authorizes the consolidation of water systems to provide accessibility to a reliable supply of drinkable water to underprivileged populations.
The lack of available drinking water has plagued certain communities in California due to the inadequate infrastructure of the smaller water systems. As a result of the structural weaknesses, individuals who drink water from these sources are exposed to a host of contaminants, such as arsenic and nitrates. While the state has promoted voluntary consolidation for some time, the current severe drought has intensified the water shortage and exacerbated the deficiencies experienced by poor and disadvantaged communities.
The Drought Consolidation Budget Trailer Bill addresses this dilemma by mandating that substandard water supply systems in small, depressed communities merge with larger, safe supply sources in more affluent communities. The larger water systems are supported by efficient agencies that are able to ensure high quality drinking water. Senate Bill 88 and Assembly Bill 115 empower the State Water Resources Control Board to implement these water consolidation systems where warranted. In addition, the legislation authorizes procedural and financial assistance for local governments to employ consolidation programs.
There are several criteria that must be met for mandatory consolidation to be put into effect, including evaluating the condition of the current drinking water, determining the feasibility of a consolidation program and measuring the capacity of the water systems to sustain the consolidation and serve the customers it is designed to support. Customers who would be affected by consolidation must also be notified of the plans.
Contact Shane Coons at 949-333-0900 or visit his website at www.ShaneCoonsLaw.com to find out more about the practice.