Realizing you have come up with an earthshaking business innovation or concept can be a pivotal point for your company, and putting it into action in creating tangible products or valuable services can define your future within your industry. Once you have reached that point, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor as well as keep pushing ahead with your vision.
While most business owners have a lot to be thankful for, there are also constant challenges. And the protection of intellectual property is one. As you probably know, competition is fierce—and many times, other companies will do absolutely whatever it takes to try and knock you out of the way and steal your customer base. They may try to emulate your business model as well as copy products. Because of this, you should consult with an experienced business attorney like Attorney Shane Coons as soon as you do have one or more valuable tangible products or concepts to protect.
It is important to understand what intellectual property is exactly, and what you need to make sure it is not left vulnerable within the business world. The definition of intellectual property is very broad, but methods of protecting it are much more specific. Whether you have created a unique slogan, song, idea for a service, or an actual product that you can hold in your hands, you have intellectual property. If what you are trying to protect is something you may have created, such as a story or another creative work that can be proved exists, you may want copyrights so no one else has any rights to it. With a trademark, you own the rights to what may be a logo, brand, design, or more.
Patents can be more complex as they pertain to inventions. This type of protection often invokes a vision of the eccentric inventor tinkering in his workshop creating myriad designs and machines. Realistically, patents can be necessary for many designers, engineers, and corporations in ownership of an innovation. And while it can be expensive, and the wait can be lengthy for a patent to come through, you are protected as soon as you apply for one. When it is granted, the patent license lasts for 20 years to the date you originally applied.
If you are interested in protecting original work that belongs to you or your business, consult with Attorney Shane Coons as soon as possible. This type of law can be complex, and it is to your benefit to seek thorough legal advice from a skilled business attorney rather than going it alone. Our law office represents clients involved in a wide range of businesses and legal issues, and we would be glad to review your case and help you explore your options. Call now at 949-333-0900 or email us at Shane.Coons@seclawoffices.com.