Owning or managing a business can be extremely fulfilling—and just as challenging. Most of us can’t do it all on our own though, meaning that we must hire a team. And as many entrepreneurs will attest, you are only as good as the people who work for you. Because of that, it is imperative to your success to assemble a group of experienced, knowledgeable individuals you respect and enjoy working with. As the boss, also, you are responsible for looking out for everyone and making sure they have a safe environment in which to perform their duties.
Assisting the Injured Employee is First Priority
If someone is injured while working, assessing the situation and helping the employee must come before everything else. When an accident occurs, it is important to remain calm and make sure medical care is sought if necessary. You will find that it is very helpful to have a list of procedures in place for such an event. Always have a completely stocked first aid kit on the premises as well.
Call for Medical Assistance if There is Any Question—and Report the Injury
It is up to the employee to report their injury to someone as soon as possible. In many cases you may be there when the accident or problem occurs and thus able to take control of the situation, making sure that the individual seeks medical care immediately if necessary. If you are not there in such a case, all employees should be aware of what to do and to contact a supervisor as soon as possible. An ambulance should be called if there is any question. If the employee does not seem to be in a state of emergency, they should still be encouraged to take first aid, and then have any injury checked out by a doctor.
Provide All the Proper Paperwork for Submitting Claims
Be certain to provide any injured workers with the proper claims forms, as well as accommodating any time they may need off from work—within reason. You will need to have a full understanding of how the injury occurred and may need to report it to your worker’s compensation insurance company. If you or a supervising party are on the scene at the time, be sure to remain calm and help, as well as documenting and taking photos if possible.
Communicate with Everyone Until the Claim is Completed
Afterward, stay in touch with everyone. If the employee must stay at home for an extended period due to their injury, be sure to check in on them as well as setting up a preliminary time for discussing their return to work—which you should accommodate. If a report has been filed with the worker’s comp insurance, communicate with them to make sure that the claim is being handled properly and expediently.
Contact Us for Help
If you are currently having any legal issues in your business that require resolution, call Shane Coons now at 949-333-0900 or email us at Shane.Coons@seclawoffices.com. We can review your case, answer your questions, and help you decide how to move forward. We are here to help!