Avoid Employee Injury Lawsuits with Proper Insurance and a Safe Workplace

employee injury lawsuits

Even the most innocuous of workplaces can result in an employee having an accident. Picking up too much inventory at once can lead to a strain (one of the most common reasons for a claim) or sprain. Cuts, eye injuries, fractures, and more extreme accidents can happen too, depending on the site and the type of accident. As an employer, you can take measures to make sure everyone is covered in the case of an accident as well as working to promote better safety in the workplace.

If you are a business owner in California, you are required to carry workers compensation insurance for your business. This provides coverage for your employees should they become ill or injured because of an incident at work. This usually pays for hospital visits, other medical expenses, and treatments like physical therapy. Lost wages are usually paid too, as well as disability—whether temporarily or even permanently. If the employee were to die because of such injuries, beneficiaries may receive benefits. In exchange for workers’ compensation benefits, however, those who are injured give up the right to sue you or your business in most cases.

Promoting a safe workplace is key to the welfare of your employees as well as your business, no matter its size. Obviously, you don’t want to see anyone hurt—or productivity constantly impacted because team members are out of work due to accidents at work. Assess any potential hazards in the workplace, and work to eliminate them immediately, along with asking for feedback from your employees. You will probably be surprised to hear how many good suggestions they have. It is also recommended that you create a comprehensive safety education program and require everyone in the workplace to take part in the training. This allows them to learn more about how accidents happen, how they can stay safe, and how to work as a team to keep their environment accident-free.

If you are just opening a business, find an insurance agent you trust to discuss workers’ compensation. In California, you can purchase this type of insurance through and agent/private agency or through the state fund.

Are you in the middle of dispute over an injury on the job, or do you need help creating a safety education program? Call Shane Coons now at 949-333-0900 or email us at Shane.Coons@seclawoffices.com. We can review your needs for creating a contract, answer your questions, and help you decide how to move forward. We are here to help!

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