California Leading a Coalition in Support of EPA Clean Power Plan

By August 12, 2016 Blog No Comments
California Leading a Coalition in Support of EPA Clean Power Plan

A joint venture to promote clean energy, environmentally friendly transportation, and new energy alternatives has been undertaken by a coalition of states. California is one of 17 states to join this initiative, which represents governors from both political parties. The Governor’s Accord for a New Energy Future (Accord) provides a unified platform for collaboration among the states to set policies and goals for progressive environmental reform. In addition to making contributions to public health, the signatories view the implementation of cost efficient forms of renewable energy as a step toward strengthening the economy.

While the participating states differ significantly in their energy uses and portfolios, they have collectively committed to improving the energy infrastructure through clean energy and expanding options for clean transportation. The Accord highlights certain viable energy alternatives such as solar wind, hydroelectric and geothermal power. States have committed to modernizing their energy portfolios by relying on some of these energy resources.

One of the highlights of the Accord is the development of environmentally conscious transportation options. This would entail the participating states’ continued support of automakers and fuel companies in their creation of vehicles that don’t emit fossil fuels and in turn, help reduce the impact of emissions on the environment. In addition to encouraging development in terms of infrastructure, the states have acknowledged their role in offering incentives to encourage renewable energy sources.

The Accord also envisions enhanced training for the implementation of new, modern technologies. In collaborating to develop best practices for enhanced environmental technologies, the states propose to share information and strategies. A significant benefit of this agreement is the ability to adapt solutions from one state to the next and from one region to another.

State advisers plan on convening in the near future to discuss plans for implementing the goals set forth in the Accord.

Contact Shane Coons at 949-333-0900 or visit his website at to find out more about his practice.


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